What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Monday, September 17, 2007

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (2)


Read the thoughts/summaries of your classmates. Read them carefully. Then, write it down (in your notebooks, and post it as a comment on the blog).


Blogger \ said...

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8:57 AM

Blogger \ said...

Al3k's response to mr_FiC's comment:

First of all, I agree with everything Filip said. All is correct. However, he took a completely different approach than mine. Thus our comments have nothing in common.

Secondly, the sentence that struck me is the one in which Filip describes that the welfare programs are white man's philosophy. True. They are. But it is the white man who dominates society nowadays. Thus, everyone has to be a follower. Not everyone has to agree with what is imposed on them, but everyone must accept it since they are stronger people in power. Furthermore, ff there were a lot of tolerance in the world, in time everyone would rebel and society would be destroyed. For example, the Soviet Union was the strongest in times of Stalin and Brezhnev, where dissidents were jailed and exiled. When Gorbachev tried to modernize the state, it simply broke up.

Last but not least, white man's values and Native American values are opposite. However, the white man's values are influenced by modern society and technology. The white man's values once have been spirit, pride, and grace too. That happened in Biblical times.

8:59 AM

Blogger \ said...

Well, I don't like Native Americans. But these has nothing to do with it. You know, I respect Jews a lot, and you know what I thought about the Nazi Holocaust. That's probably what modern society has influenced me, but at least I'm not pretending I'm leaving in the Middle Ages. Go capitalism!

9:01 AM

Blogger belag said...


12:20 PM

Blogger belag said...


10:39 AM

Blogger Gabe said...

I agree with kate as in that it may be better for Buddy if he is taken away but the sense of being taken away from the only thing that you have ever loved it has to be hard. It is probably even harder for his mother because it was here fault and if she was to live after the story she probably couldnt have lived with knowing that the only thing she loved was taken away from her and it was her fault.

1:22 PM

Blogger B.J.A.N.K.A said...

I agree with Tesa and Obrad's comments that the socail worker shouldn't have taken Buddy away..at least not in the way it happened based on how the story was presented.

8:51 PM

Blogger belag said...

keep them coming

10:02 PM

Blogger Jack said...

I think that Alek's comment is too harsh but I believe that his point is at least partly right. I don't think the indians and whoever else should sit and listen or just follow, but since they are not in power they have the duty to do their job and if they break the law or lose their job - or, like in this case, have a child taken away - they shouldn't hide behind the cliche' of racial discrimination. If Albertine had not been an alcoholic and tried to go along and maybe get a job, because hey, indians have different customs but everyone need food on the table, she could have kept the child she apparently cared so much about. The only way she can react to her child's being taken away is changing her life for the better and demonstrating that she deserves to be Buddy's mom.

3:21 PM

Blogger gavril_31 said...

I agree with Emilio (Emil) that the American Horse family is treated no differently than a white family would be treated in this situation. I also agree with him that Albertine deserves Buddy to be taken away.It is the same with all bad mothers. They claim to love their child but show nothing to prove that until the last moment when its too late.

5:41 PM

Blogger CyrilusLyncestinus said...

First and foremost, this is a story about potentially real people and there shouldn't be anything nice or interesting about it. The whole purpose of the story is to display the problems of the Native Americans as problems of everybody else and that anybody who is down on his luck can exparience them. This story can be remodified to any other group, ethnic or social. However there's one thing that can not be reapplied: the folklore. This is so because of the trully unique nature if the Native American folklore that neither European or American, being predominately of European descent, society can match. All of the Native American characters in the story could be seen as liminal figures: they have been tampered with by the society.

12:29 PM

Blogger Smith said...

I would have to agree with both Bjanka and Gabe...if that is possible. I do think that it would be better for Buddy if he was removed from that situation but I don't believe that it was Albertine's choice to raise him like she had to. She had no support, as far as we know, from the US government yet they expect her to bow to their wishes wihout giving her the chance to improve her situation.

1:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with Gavril that all "bad" mothers deserve their child to be taken away.But, we must take a look also at the other side-the child. Buddy doesn't want to be taken away eventhough he is aware that his family is not the ideal one.

4:08 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I respect the opinion of Mr. Smith but i don't like this sentence: "Based on what they have become, it is far easier to see why they didn't like the white people". Now, the Native Americans do not like the white people because they were descriminated and demoralized by the arrival of the Europeans many years ago. The descrimination, and the percent of population they occupy made their status worse. If the Native Americans have the same job and educational opportunities like the white Americans, the social workers would not rush in taking away Buddy from his mother!!!

5:32 PM

Blogger belag said...

ok, keep them coming

9:33 PM

Blogger Dragan-Stip said...

After all the comments above, I would have to say
I would partly agree with each of them. In one way, Buddy definately deserves some better treatment; more specifically a LIFE. However, to attain this certain level, he must give up his only love in his life; his mother. Certain occasions like these are inevitable. You must always analyze both cases and choose whichever feels the best. Albertine knows that giving up Buddy (him being the best thing that has ever happened to her) is painful, but deep inside, it's the only way her son would get an opportunity in life.

9:42 PM

Blogger nderim said...

I dont think Boddy deserves to be taken away. As it is described in the story Albertine is just alcoholic which might make her a bad woman but not a bad"mom". Boddy doesnt compain about anything regardig her mother and Albertine also claims that Boddy is the best thing to ever happened to her in her life, meaning that, Boddy is very important to her. From our perspective as readers we dont see Boddy in a situation where we have to be concerned that Boddy might face some danger living with his mom and say, social workers did the right thing by taking Boddy away.

10:44 PM

Blogger Stefi said...

I do agree with Emilio and Gavril, the race dose not change the treatment that this family gets. But I don’t agree with Maxim and Philip that” If Buddy feels good with his mother and uncle, then people need to leave him live his life”. I don’t think that a small child knows what is best for him. If his mothers love and “care” is everything he gets , he surely will like to stay with his mother.

12:44 AM


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