AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (3)
STEP Three
Choose a character from this story. Think of how you might describe this character, through use of color and objects, rather than words (theirs and others) and action. Then, post your findings.
What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?
The one-eyed, dark-tanned old Indian in a white corset laced with striped sneaker laces, Uncle Lawrence is the most bizarre character in the story. Dressed in a black satin smoking jacket decorated with gold dragons. Lawrence's scarred face is even more terrifying due to only one working eye, the glass eye that should always be in place is missing.
8:58 AM
I think Uncle Lawrence was a character as shown and said in the story. I assumed he was scarred all over and barely making it he probably had ruff hands like sand paper. Tan with clothes used only to welcome people most likely the nicest clothes he had, one eye a white laced corset. A man with a good spirit that made him glow even though everything around him to the standards of 21st century people would be nothing.
1:28 PM
When I think of Buddy he reminds me of a puppie:D The name Buddy is nowadays a typical name for a dog and I think that the way he was taken away from Albertine by the social worker is just like the way a puppie could lose his way being so young and helpless.
8:56 PM
I think that Leo Harmony could be represented by a dog. He depends completely on other people and has no ideas of his own, just like dogs. He is not certainly white, which symbolizes purity and innocence, although he is not black yet, the color of absolute evil and that of a rotten soul. He could be brownish, meaning the midpoint between innocence and total guilt, with white ears, which represent his dependence to white people and how he always listens to them and not to himself nd his native people.
3:27 PM
I think that Albertina American Horse can be represented by a fish. She can move and fight but withought any success just like a fish. She tries t run away and hit officer Harmony however he overpowers her. In terms of color i would describe her with a fiery red which shows her anger and will to keep Buddy from being taken. I would also describe her with a green color because there is still hope for her since we don't know the ending of the story and if Albertine dies or lives.
6:00 PM
I see similar apparitions when I think of Uncle Lawrence and when I think of Mad-Eye Moody form HP. Since Uncle Lawrence is the trickster (a motive of a shapeshifter) it reminds me of Mad-Eye even more because Mad-Eye is a "polyjuice potion" impostor in the 4 sequal, has one eye and is scarred all over....
The black smoking with the fiery dragons reminds of the jacket Rocky wears in the second sequal (and again has one bad eye), desperately trying to have something of the fancy....
Wearing gold on a dark brown skin is something that doesn't allways look very nice and appealing. And again a "crippled" apparition comming from a rusty house with one eye and wearing gold is not the most pleasant image. And again gold was the thing White men came after. It is their treasure on Uncle Lawrence. He has been incriminated by Whites.
9:44 PM
When I think of Albertine, I imagine a tiger. Not in color or physical form but in spirit. Her territory is constantly being threatened, her cub is being taken, and all this by a force that is too powerful for her to even hurt. Not that it deters her, as obviously in the story it doesn't, but despite her efforts, Buddy is taken away. I imagine her with heavy bags under her eyes, ripped and dirty clothes, probably handed down over many years, and black eyes wih a depth to them.
1:36 PM
Vicki Koob:) I choose this character because i think i have a real picture of this woman.
Based on her exhausting job i imagine her as a small, thin woman, wrinkled face, big eyes, look full of anger and soul full of agression. She is an energetic woman,a reason for what many men don't like wife in their house!!!
5:48 PM
When I think about Albertine I imagine a cat. She will always find a way trough problems, from every fall she will again stand on her feet. Albertine will scratch everyone who will try to touch her child.
6:25 PM
I see the character of Albertine as that of a wild animal. Wild animals live a life of their own. However, when pressured, these animals tend to attack with ferocious power. The character of Albertine does this. As the social workers come in to take Buddy, Albertine simply doesn't back down.
9:43 PM
I would compare the character of Harmony to a wolf. Just like a wolf that showes no mircy apon sheep and using its tricks of its own, the wolf tries to separate the sheep from the crowd and kill the sheep. Apparently, Harmony uses the same tactics trying to take Albertine out and then atack her, even though, he says that he wont hurt her if she just showes up. In my opinion Harmony doesnt care about human feelings and he takes it as"job needs to be done, no matter what happens".
11:03 PM
Vicki Koob, young, handsome, with fancy clothes and hair style, person that never experienced real danger and never fights for something; she always easily gets what she wants. When I think of her face I see pretty face with lot of make up and evil look. I see her as very arrogant, hollow person.
12:46 AM
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