What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One with the narrating voice -

Name the following traits:

1. The color of the voice

2. The sound of his character

3. The nature of his presence as a participant/observer

4. The state of his self-reliance

5. The tone of this ending

Afterwards, read the other people's comments and use this week's journal entry (due Monday December 3rd) to write an editorial for today's reception of this 19th century narrative, focusing on the presence of the lawyer.


Blogger mr_FiC said...

The color of the voice is gray, since the narrator is always calm, rational and serious. At moments even to the point of being sarcastic.

The sound of the character is patient and with constant rhythm.

The narrator/character is the filter through which the story of Bartleby is told.

The narrator is the most self-reliant character, if we exclude the extreme form of self-reliance of the deranged Bartleby.

The tone of the ending is depressing, and shows the hopelessness and disappointment of the narrating voice.

7:54 PM

Blogger gavril_31 said...

teacher since no one from our group has posted anything yet can i use the comments from last years people?

9:56 PM

Blogger Stefi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:56 PM

Blogger gavril_31 said...

This time i am with the narrating voice.

1. The color that i associate with the narrating voice is green. He sounds very week, incapable of leading and office and being the boss of one. It is a precise narrating voice that describes the personalities of all the characters.

2. The narrating voice sounds like and older experienced person which is exactly what the lawyer is. It also sounds insecure and indecisive in his decisions concerning the office and Bartleby.

3. The narrating voice is both a participant and an observer. He functions as a participant when he gives orders to Bartleby. He is an observer when he introduces the other characters in the office and when he describes Bartleby's behavior.

4. The lawyer is supposed to be a self reliant man because he has his own law firm which makes him money. However this is not the case. He is completely reliant on Bartleby eventhough it is not a typical reliance. The lawyer is so connected to Bartleby that his life and work relies on him. The lawyer who is the narrating voice cannot fire Bartleby eventhough he is a bad worker.

5. The end seems unexplained and unknown. We never know what is wrong with Bartleby and if that "disease" is the cause for his death.The tone is the opposite of the sarcastic tone that overwhelms the entire novella.

11:25 PM

Blogger Stefi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:12 AM

Blogger Stefi said...

1) The color of his voice is calm and serious; and if I have to match it with an actual color then it would be a pale one. More accurately it would be ocher . I chose this color because I find his voice very weak ,nobody in his office treats him as what he is , a boss.
2)The sound of the lawyer is insecure but also deliberate. He tells the story as if he is the most caring and nice person. I have a feeling that he wants to gain the support from the reader.
3) The layer is an active narrator. He tells a story from his point of view, from his observing point. But he has an active roll in the story too. He is one of the main characters. We can hear his voice in the dialogs and also his monologs and we can see his unsuccessful actions that he makes in order to get rid of Bartleby .
4) The layer is very dependent on his employees. His self-reliance state is on a very low level. He himself explains that for him the easiest way has always been the best one (meaning that he always chose the to give his work to some other person and that he would let others to think for him, if it was possible; this kind of thinking opposes the idea of self-reliance)
5) The ending is unexpected and it is very effective. It leaves the reader confused and it makes him wonder what happened. The end stresses the idea that self-reliance brings to self destruction, and that is one of the central ideas .

1:31 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

1.The color of the narrarator's voice would be green because to me green is calm like nature and the narrarator cares for the people around him even if they don't do what he asks of them.

2.He has a very stirn voice yet very patient and he tries to be persuasive but he never seems to get what he wants out of Bartleby.

3.The narrarator towards the beginning is the main man you could say and talks through the knowledge he has of the people he has hired but when Bartleby is put in the story he kind of seems to be out of the picture and doesnt have the God like view of everything.

4.The narrarator is very independent and does things by himself but at the same time he depends on his workers and needs them.

5.The tone of the story in the end is very depressing yet it makes you think a lot about what couldve been done to save Bartleby or why he didnt eat, it brings up topics that make you think.

12:50 PM

Blogger Smith said...

-To me, the color of the voice is a bluish grey. The grey due to the fact that, like the students from last year said, the voice is calm and serious. However, blue represents depth and the voice always appears to have a certain depth to it.

-The sound of the lawyers character is a patient, calming sound that only comes after many years of practice and skill.

-The lawyer is telling the story of Bartleby to the reader yet he has also become emotionally involved, making the story more personal and touching. In thi way, he is both an observer and a participant.

-The lawyer is completely reliant on others. He has a law firm, true, yet it would collapse without the aid of his scrivners. He is also reliant on Bartleby who has become a kind of extension of the lawyer.

-The tone of the ending is depressing and yet, it goes beyond that. Regretful is the only word that comes to mind with the narrator wishing he had done more for Bartleby.

7:14 PM


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