What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Step Three- Innocent Erendira

Read the comments posted on the first two steps.

A little reminder for those who are new to critical study and for the rest of you who might not remember all that clearly.

Narrative refresh to the finished product - when a story (boy meets girl) is taken through a plot (they meet first, fall in love later and fish together in their old age)

Narration refresh to the process - how a story, through a plot, becomes a narrative (who/what draws the strings)

Having said that -

In so far, how would you 'dissect' the narrative part of the novelle, as well as the narration delivery? Meaning: As a narrative, this story is... Whereas, the narration of this story...


Blogger \ said...

The narration of this story is well-structured and intricating, even though it may seem that "Innocent Erendira" is a badly written story the moment you read it for the first time.

Whereas, as a narrative, I still haven't figured out what this story mean. It is a story in which the natural and the supernatural are entangled; they coexist. Although it may seem that the whole story is just a compilation of crap and nonsense, I feel that there is a much deeper meaning which is not that easy to spot.

9:12 AM

Blogger mr_FiC said...

As a narrative the story is a convoluted mix of made-up characters. The narration is the glue that holds these things together, and it does this briliantly by keeping its distance from what is happeing in the story. The tone shifts from bizzare to humorous but the supernatural atmosphere predominates.

9:12 AM

Blogger Smith said...

As a narrative, this story draws many everyday events from life and twists them with certain authorial tools, such as magical realism. This story also shows how messed up the world can be and how innocent people are very commonly caught up and twisted by the world.

The narration of the story is told in a 3rd person omniscient. The narrator knows everything and, as everyone before me has also said, "pulls the strings" in the novella. The narrator knows the past, present, and future of the characters and decides when to tell the reader what.

9:52 AM

Blogger smoochable:))) said...

This narration of this story is complicated. Although it may seem as a type of boy meets girl story with a happy ending...it's not the case in the end. The atmosphere is that of supernatural happenings combined with that of Erendira's complicated and cruel life ( due to her grandmother's cruel ways). Yet, somehow in the end, all the pieces come together and it is understood why it is written the way it is (ex: why Erendira didn't go away with Ulises?....trust and was never loved (to be cared for).

9:55 AM

Blogger zenuni said...

First of all the novela begins with the plot order. The setting is described and the events are told. But through the novela, as the events develop, and we get to see more about the characters, we find out that Eredira feels somethign special about Ulises and Ulises falls in love. This is a new experience for Erendira because she never had the chance to face something like this, as other guys treated her as just a tool for fun. From this point on, Erendira feels kind of different and the secuence of the sotry changes. Now it is on her to decide for her own. For the first time we get to see her saying that she is happy. The narration changes. Everything, from this point on, is told by her POV as she has feelings for Ulises and she will decide about her future.
We have third person moving to fist person!

9:56 AM

Blogger jere tha swimmer said...

The narration of the story is in third person omniscient.

9:57 AM

Blogger ivo said...

The story is told by a 3rd person omniscent voice who tries to inform the reader of what life offers to us, and how one mistake can make our life disaster. But in closer relationship whit the reader, the narrator tries to describe the influence and the abusal of the children which based on the story can be found in some societies. Erendira is abused by her grandmother only because of one mistake which costs her a disaster life. The actual point of the story is hard to discover, and what the narrator's goal is of informing the reader. Still, reading this story brings every reader common feelings and picture of the everyday life and it's difficulties.

9:57 AM

Blogger joshtc19 said...


9:57 AM

Blogger Dragan-Stip said...

As a narrative, I see "Innocent Erendira" as a magical realist narrative; one in which both the natural and the supernatural occurrences interrelate. With the combination of these concepts, the result is a story of how a young girl tries to for once succeed in her life even though she is under the spell of her evil grandmother. Furthermore, this story blends in actions and experiences from real life, such as poverty and prostitution and so forth.

The narration of the first part of this novelle is portrayed in the third person (omniscient), while in the second half of the novelle it shifts to the first person. I think this is done in order to portray personal accounts in the story, maybe in the p/v of another person.
Also, there really is no climactic scenes although the narrative is well structured.

9:58 AM

Blogger gavril_31 said...

As a narrative, this story is really a sad tale of innocent Erendira who had to live a life as a servant and a prostitute just to pay back her grandmother. This can happen in real life, however the way it is narrated makes the story something more than a sad tale. It is narrated in a 3rd person omniscent voice.

9:59 AM

Blogger joshtc19 said...

The narrative is about the trails and tribulations of one girl, Erendira. Thoughout the narrative we follow Erendria from one wind of misfortune to another. Such as, doing all the house work for her grandmother or being forced into prositution.

The narration of the story is in 3rd person (omniscient). Since the narrator is all knowing he/she tells us of the events that that are happening to poor Erendira such as, Erendira being forced into prositution. All and all as many student have said before me the narrtion shapes the outcome of the story.

1:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

As a narrative,this story reminds us how the life can be cruel and unfair. maybe someone would say that this is too sad to be true, but actually the life story of Erendira with all of thi misfortunes might be found in everyday life.

2:32 PM

Blogger Stefi said...


2:40 PM

Blogger Stefi said...

As a narrative this story tells a real sad tale with magical elements. It is about how young innocent girl becomes prostitute becouse of her grandmother.How she is manipulated and used by her grandmother in the worst possible manner.
The narration is 3rd person omnicent(allthough the feelings and thoughts of Erendira are not told).

2:55 PM

Blogger CyrilusLyncestinus said...

As a narrative, this story concentrates upon a young girl, named Erendira, who is deprived of all the benefits of a free life and is constringed to all she has: an ingrate, heartless grnadmother. Through this narrative there's an allusion to the situations, contemporary to the author, in his homeland.

The narration of this novella befits the biological concept of connected form and function. It is a 3rd person omniscent voice that is necessary for creating an ironic distance and authorial reticence.

4:02 PM


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