What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Monday, September 17, 2007

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (4)


See if you could relate the imagery (descriptions of time/place/movement) of this story to imagery present in The Way to Rainy Mountain.

Do they (the distinct images) inter-relate? Do they share common ground? Or do they function as each other's binary oppositions? Or?

Post your comments.


Blogger B.J.A.N.K.A said...

I think that the imagery in 'American Horse' and 'The Way to Rainy Mountain'are in a way similar and in some way different. They are different in a sense that 'American Horse' talks about a struggle to keep a family together...whereas 'The Way to Rainy Mountain' is a story that is told through objects and nature. However, their similarity is the fact that both are based on the Native American subject.

9:06 PM

Blogger gavril_31 said...

The main difference between the imagery in the two works is that all the images in ‘The Way to Rainy Mountain’ are fragmented. Each image is divided in three parts that are connected. All these images are focused on the traditions and the origins of the Native American people. In ‘American Horse’ the images describe a problem that a Native American family faces. The similarity between the imagery in these two works is, as Bjanka said that both talk about Native American’s and how they are affected by the society.

6:46 PM

Blogger CyrilusLyncestinus said...

American Horse can be represented in the dame way as A Way to Rainy Mountain is represented because of the common elements such as the ancestral flashbacks, the ethnography and the reality (not because the previous ones don't have to be real....). In the ancestral and the mythical we can include the visions of Albertine; Uncle Lawrence and officer Harmony come under the ethnographic (or the way society has influenced these people); and under the real we can include the real problems of the American Horse family.

On the level of imagery, both stories share similar motifs: the dogs (of Uncle Lawrence and the talking dogs), the metal (the white people's tool), tricksters and shapeshifters (Uncle Lawrence, the talking dog, the bear from the story of the Big Dipper)...

12:17 PM

Blogger Smith said...

I think that "American Horse" becomes a much deeper story thanks to the imagery of "The Way to Rainy Mountain" with the constant struggles and hardships of the Native Americans past it becomes easier to understand the American Horse family's relectance to stand aside and let their own get taken away. I think Albertine's memory of the butterfly reminds me of Indians fire dances. The butterflies are surrounding her and preparing her as the sparks surround and breathe the warrior spirit into the natives.

1:42 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

These two stories have different writing structure from which many differences come. 'The Way to Rainy Mountain' is a story that presents mixture of historical facts, experiencies and myths while the 'American Horse' focuses on a direct problem and its solution. However, the point where these stories meet, is the subject they use. They both use Native American subjects and are both narrated from a Native American point of view.

6:01 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

The main connection between "American Horse" and "The Way to Rainy Mountain" is that both talk about native Americans and their place in society.
Still, American Horse tells a contemporary story trough action. On the other hand, the stories in "The Way to Rainy Mountain" are voice from the past shown trough the memories of the narrator.

6:35 PM

Blogger Dragan-Stip said...

I think that 'American Horse' and 'The way to Rainy Mountain' are tied in a way, but indirectly. Both of these stories speak of Native Americans and how they are placed in society. In 'The way to Rainy Mountain' however, there are references to the past and basically origin stories, as well as strong relations to nature and the natural flow of life. In 'American Horse', I can connect with the butterfly story Albertine speaks of which gives me an idea of the Native American ways of life.

9:43 PM

Blogger nderim said...

In my opinion "American Horse" is different form"The Way to Rainy Mountain" in a sance that the first story deals more with emotional feelings and the writing form is very streight so we dont have to concentrate to much in the text but more in the story. Unlike the first story, the second one has a more comlex type of writing form because it is devided into three parts. The first part in the myth. From this point on we dont know whether everything that is said is true or not and has this sence of humour when animals are personified.
"American Horse" describes a serious event which still is common now adays.

11:17 PM

Blogger Stefi said...

“American Horse” has a concrete story and it is linear and; it is about something that happens all the time. “The Way to Rainy Mountain’ is very educational and it is not linear; it describes the culture, the beliefs, the whole history of the Kiowa tribe. The main connection between this two stories is that both are about Native Americans and are told from Native American point of view. They both include flashbacks, and the flashbacks have positive influence in the stories .

12:48 AM


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