What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


1. What do you see in them?

2. Taking into account the auto/biographical reflection present in the play, do you see it from the photos? Do the photos 'help' ellucidate the Wingfield clan?


Theater Review:

Is anything (in the review) being mentioned regarding the following topics:

1. structure of the play (scene allocation, horizontality, verticality)

2. casting (good choices/unusual choices)

3. the thematic role of the play (then/now)

If so, if any, comment on how the reviewer has approached them, and what she has written regarding their presence.


Production Notes:




Choose ONE:

1. Explain how Williams' guides its use through the author's notes.

2. Suggest a change in their execution. Something that you'd do differently. With an explanation.


Tennessee Williams' comment on success:

1. Summarize the core of his arguement.

2. Do you agree with his statement about 'the catastrophe of success'? How so?


Symbolism at a closer look:

A slew of objects and/or events and/or characters serve a specific purpose in this 'memory play'.

Besides the unicorn, the fire escape, Laura Wingfield, the candles, what other OBJECT and/or EVENT and/or CHARACTER, do you find representation for a theme in Williams' play? Explain your choice. With supporting details.


Under the motto - 'everybody is a critic', choose ONE scene from the play and discuss briefly its strengths and weaknesses. Remember: a critical commentary is a commentary piece which offers exact, and careful study, analysis and evaluation.
