What is America one encounters and studies in a postmodern age? Is it a discourse? A bounded collective identity or a set of manifold, changing, and contingent identities? A fiction? An idea? A history? A place? If place has its say, are we talking about a nation, or several nations within a nation? And who are ‘Americans’? What do they share in common, what is their ‘American-ness’?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

After looking at the following link, and doing your narrowed-down search, use the comments' space to tell use what new things you have learnt.



Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One with the narrating voice -

Name the following traits:

1. The color of the voice

2. The sound of his character

3. The nature of his presence as a participant/observer

4. The state of his self-reliance

5. The tone of this ending

Afterwards, read the other people's comments and use this week's journal entry (due Monday December 3rd) to write an editorial for today's reception of this 19th century narrative, focusing on the presence of the lawyer.

One with the Scrivner

Name the following traits -

1. The color of his voice

2. The sound of his character

3. The nature of his presence in the narrative

4. The status of his self-reliance

5. Your comment on his ending (self-inflicted)

Afterwards, read the other people's comments and use this week's journal entry (due Monday December 3rd) to write an editorial for today's reception of this 19th century narrative, focusing on the presence of the Scrivner.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ALLEGORY and a Magical Realist Story - How does it work? Does it work?

First of all, in order to think in allegorical terms, you as a reader need to be interested in the text of the narrative as something more than just another story. This means that you are willing and wanting to create links ('intertextual') between the narrative itself and the place/person that gave the narrative its name. Could the narrative stand as a representation of something else? (think: Lord of the Files or Brave New World). This might even bring you to the study of a genre called 'roman a clef' - a novel with a key: a narrative describing real-life events behind a fascade of fiction!

In this case, you (if interested), need to look more closely at Columbia (place), and Gabriel Garcia 'Gabo' Marquez (person/writer) - who is he? what motivates his writing? when did he write the story? what's his realtionship with his people, his culture? what's his relationship with the world at large? In other words, a combination of HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL criticism.

Now, how do you find 'satisfactory' answers to your questions.

If you like investigating on your own, I suggest you take a look (and read carefully) the information contained in this link:


Otherwise, to get you started: think of Erendira, body and soul, as the country of Columbia (before and after conquest), think of the Grandmother as the rich mestizo landowners who have continuouslly sided with the military junta against the communist rebels, think of Ulises as the European intervention (The United Fruit Company), think of the oranges with diamonds in them as the heroine exports that have divided Columbia; or perhaps think larger, think of Erendira as all of Latin America before conquest, or?

Step Three- Innocent Erendira

Read the comments posted on the first two steps.

A little reminder for those who are new to critical study and for the rest of you who might not remember all that clearly.

Narrative refresh to the finished product - when a story (boy meets girl) is taken through a plot (they meet first, fall in love later and fish together in their old age)

Narration refresh to the process - how a story, through a plot, becomes a narrative (who/what draws the strings)

Having said that -

In so far, how would you 'dissect' the narrative part of the novelle, as well as the narration delivery? Meaning: As a narrative, this story is... Whereas, the narration of this story...

Step Two - Innocent Erendira

Look at what you have considered to belong to 'our reality' in this narrative, from your class notes - the accepted version - and use the findings to answer the following questions:

1. What constitutes 'accepted' (some might say - normal) events (actions) in this narrative?

2. Is there an event that you are still uncertain about, the so-called liminal event, somewhere between reality as we know it and the possible reality we tend to shy away from? How so?

3. To go back to the 'normal' happenings in this story - are they more an extension of the characters (their doings, their choices) or of the narrator (his depiction of time and place)?

Step One - Innocent Erendira

Look at the notes from class - then proceed to answer the following questions -

1. According to your findings, what are the KEY supernatural events (actions) in the first half of the novel? How so?

2. Then, of you have to single out (choose) ONE of these supernatural events, which one would it be?

3. The one that you singled out, describe how it influences the way you view the characters and the setting? What does it take out? What does it add?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Links regarding the work of Ansel Adams and Lewis Hine:






Monday, September 24, 2007

1. Choose ONE section from the text (The Way to Rainy Mountain) - there are 24 sections total.

2. Then, read, carefully the three distinct subparts (the myth/legend, the secular history, the personal memory).

3. Write a fourth part to the section - not more than a paragraph, and then explain (briefly) how you view (narration-wise) your choice/product.

4. Post the paragraph and the explanation here, on the blog. Then write it out as well in the JOURNAL noetbook.

5. Read other people's responses. Comment on them.


Monday, September 17, 2007

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (5)


If you had your saying in it, what would be the last sentence of this story? Why?

Post your findings.

Also, keep a record in your notebook of all the five steps for further class discussion.

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (1)


After carefully reading this story (teacher only hopes this might be the case!), think of the impact it has left on you, as a contemporary reader. In a few sentences, describe what this story seems to you and why that might be the case.

For example, When reading Erdrich's story 'American Horse' I had the feeling... I could see/understand...

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (4)


See if you could relate the imagery (descriptions of time/place/movement) of this story to imagery present in The Way to Rainy Mountain.

Do they (the distinct images) inter-relate? Do they share common ground? Or do they function as each other's binary oppositions? Or?

Post your comments.

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (3)

STEP Three

Choose a character from this story. Think of how you might describe this character, through use of color and objects, rather than words (theirs and others) and action. Then, post your findings.

AMERICAN HORSE Assignments (2)


Read the thoughts/summaries of your classmates. Read them carefully. Then, write it down (in your notebooks, and post it as a comment on the blog).

Saturday, September 01, 2007

September marks the beginning of OUR AMERICAN jOURNEY.

To those of you that still have internet access and are reading this (keeping track), please do the following task:

1. Take a piece of paper, not the world's largest paper (any bit that is not miniscule would do).

2. See if you can find an empty envelope; if not when you are done with the paper, you are simply to fold it.

3. On the paper, write down the following fragmented sentences, and try to complete/finish them:

America is...

The definitive American product is ...

An American is...

The typical American story would...
